Monday, March 1, 2010

January / February Movie Review

I've decided that since I am a frequent movie-goer, that I will post a short review of the movies I've seen over 2 month periods. (Later, I can post a blog about my movie OCD and other movie incidents...) No spoilers.

Up in the Air - I truly don't know what all the fuss was about, nor why it has been nominated for an award. It wasn't a terrible movie, but there was nothing out of the ordinary about it. It was rather depressing, but I did like George Clooney's darker humor.

Daybreakers - I really liked this one! I thought the story was fun, albeit a bit predictable for a vampire movie. There wasn't too much gore, but when there was, it was excellent! I love Ethan Hawke, and thought it was a good role for him. Definitely recommend this one.

Dear John - Utterly gooshy and over the top romantic, as Nicholas Sparks always is, but still entertaining. Despite the unrealisticness of his books, I love Sparks and always have to see the movies based on this books. Amanda Seyfried was decent, and Channing Tatum was delicious (yes, I am a bad lesbian). I was not happy that they changed the ending.

Valentine's Day - Cute, "romantic" movie with a few funny parts, and very cookie-cutter story lines. My Mom and Ayla felt that they wasted money and it was a rental, but I wanted to go to the movies. A lot of 'starpower' and that's what drew me. I mean, come on, Julia Roberts, Ashton Kutcher, Topher Grace, Bradley Cooper, Anne Hathaway... what's not to love?

Avatar - This was one I resisted seeing at first, until I heard about all of the 'controversy' surrounding it. I like controversy. I thought it was fantastic!! I liked the story, the acting, the special effects - everything was awe inspiring. (I want a glow in the dark forest...) I'm glad that I saw it on the big screen and in 3D (even if the glasses were really uncomfortable!) Definitely go see this one...

Shutter Island - This was a bit of a let down. I had heard good reviews, and was expecting a good psychological thriller with mind-boggling twists. However, it tried too hard to scare people (with the jumping out scenes and hallucinations), and the ending was predictable and disappointing. Also, Leonardo DiCaprio should not be allowed to have accents in movies - I love him, but his accents sound so fake. I liked it, but not my favorite, although now I want to read the book it was based on.

There you go... Let me know your two cents too!!

1 comment:

  1. I never got to see Dear John but now I don't know if I want to since I see they changed the ending. Let me guess.....they end up together? I hate when they do things like that. My Sister's Keeper was the same way. I had read the book by Jodi Picoult and the movie had a COMPLETELY different ending! So disappointing!
