Monday, February 15, 2010

A Blog About Nothing

A friend of mine (let's call her A-I-Ella) remarked to me today that I don't write in my blog often enough, and when I do write, I'm "always writing about stuff." She preferred my MySpace blog where I wrote about nothing - very Seinfeld-esque. When I tried to think back to verify her statement, none of my blogs really stood out to me, so I guess they really were about nothing!

I think about a lot of different things during the day - sometimes serious things, sometimes weird or random things. Let's share a few of those thoughts...

How did they put the smell into candles? And who thought of that first? I'm sure there's an answer for this somewhere on the internet (probably Wikipedia), but it's still something to think about. Since I invent ideas, but don't have the genius to follow through with them, I will share my idea about candles, but if you steal it, I will hunt you down and demand my profit.

Candible - the edible candle. Don't you ever just smell a candle so tasty (especially the birthday cake ones) that you just want to eat it? I mean, sure, you'd have to be careful of the flame, but still... Mmmm...

What is it about me, after taking a shower, that makes my cat stalk me for 10 minutes after drying off? Is it the clean smell? The slightly damp skin? She looks at me with these big wide eyes, meowing, following me, and wanting to jump into my arms. If she were any larger than she is, she would eat me and bury me under the couch. I'm sure of it.

If people have the knowledge that the idea of race is socially constructed, why do we still have check boxes on forms for this? If people are so worried about the color of someone's skin, why don't we put that? Cream, chocolate, cafe au lait, cinnamon, rosebud. I don't know, those sound more fun. Or maybe just a write in box, where you can name your own. A little boy once told me, "Ms. Jessica, you're peach with brown spots."

Anyway, that's all for tonight. Expect an increase in blogs about nothing.


  1. I will now check back regularly for my nothing updates. Plus lets call this friend Ayla.. since I don't mind taking credit for the bettering of your blog. Here are some topics I would like to read about in the future:
    -Random adventures
    -silly/dumb things people say or do
    -people who seem randomly placed in movies

  2. Also..
    -Funeral arrangements
    -stories about people who put soft pretzels in a target bag:)

  3. Although race is socially constructed, people are judged by it - both by individuals and systemically. So the only real way to begin changing any systemic injustice based on perceived race is to actually examine it.

    There is a huge achievement gap in schools, both urban and suburban. In order to address that, you do have to factor in race. Whether or not we constructed it ourselves, it exists now. And as long as we ignore it, we're letting the effects of oppression by the majority continue.

    Okay, getting off soapbox.
