Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Why Do Cookies Smell So Good?

Here I am... ten days into My 30 Day Healthy Eating Challenge, and so far, so good! I really intended on writing a lot more with my successes and challenges, but I picked an extraordinarily busy time of year to implement my change. Though I haven't had the time to tell on myself, I have been able to keep up with my goals.

Mostly, I've found that it's been easy to eat healthy (i.e. no fried, greasy, fatty foods), even when going out to different restaurants. I have experienced 3 challenges, with some solutions, but would love feedback or suggestions...

Challenge 1: Eating at a Friend's House
What to do when you go to a friend or family member's house who has cooked a delicious, albeit not on your diet, dinner? Going to restaurants is easy - all places have SOME kind of healthy option. But, when hanging out with friends, I don't want to dictate that their menu revolves around me. When this came up recently, I ate more of the healthy options (i.e. salad), and looked for a smaller portion of the main course.

Challenge 2: Healthy Eating Options
I am feeling a bit limited with my food choices. I have been keeping a food journal, and a majority of my entries are salads, turkey sandwiches, or soup. I'm getting a little bored, and am afraid my boredom will cause me to slip. I really need to spend more time in my kitchen so that I can create delicious, healthy meals with more variety.

I went to a meeting and they had a giant plate of a million of my FAVORITE cookies. They come from Columbia Deli and they are chocolate chip cookies with a fudge center. I would maybe injure someone to get one. At this meeting, the hosts passed the gargantuan plate piled high with fatty goodness around the table THREE times. Each time I had to pass it on, the wonderfully scrumptious aroma filtered into my brain and turned me into a raving lunatic who wanted to eat the entire pile of cookies and steal the other ones that had all ready been taken. Somehow, I found the willingness to pass up the cookies and did not even savor a single bite. (Typing about those cookies has rekindled my cookie psychosis...)

Anyway, so far the Healthy Eating Challenge has been successful. And I have all ready seen the positive outcomes. For the past few days, I haven't been waking up feeling like I swallowed a bon fire, and I can actually eat without feeling nauseous or embarrassingly curling up into a ball due to pain. So, we'll keep going...


  1. As I had to change my diet recently too, I've been having trouble with main meals. But over the weekend Chris and I bought thin sliced chicken breast and put a small amount of the Grill Mates chicken rub on it and drizzled a tiny bit of olive oil. About 30 minutes at 350 and they were spectacular (very moist with just enough flavor). And apparently really good for you. I imagine you could substitute the seasoning for just about anything. Just a thought. :)

  2. I wish you all the strength. I am doing the same thing, or at least trying to but I just don't have the same will power you seem to have right now. With work all day and school every night it has NOT been easy. I have cut WAY back on eating out and sweets have never really been my thing. I just find myself wanting easy to cook processed foods and they are just NOT healthy. Good luck still and hopefully somewhere I will find the strength you have shown!


  3. Oh and a hint that has been life saving for me....ZIPLOCK STEAMER BAGS!!! They come in three sizes and you can cook ANYTHING in them!!! Frozen chicken breast, shrimp, veggies, pork...anything. Check them out! Try crock pot meals too like roast beef with veggies.
