Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Why Do Cookies Smell So Good?

Here I am... ten days into My 30 Day Healthy Eating Challenge, and so far, so good! I really intended on writing a lot more with my successes and challenges, but I picked an extraordinarily busy time of year to implement my change. Though I haven't had the time to tell on myself, I have been able to keep up with my goals.

Mostly, I've found that it's been easy to eat healthy (i.e. no fried, greasy, fatty foods), even when going out to different restaurants. I have experienced 3 challenges, with some solutions, but would love feedback or suggestions...

Challenge 1: Eating at a Friend's House
What to do when you go to a friend or family member's house who has cooked a delicious, albeit not on your diet, dinner? Going to restaurants is easy - all places have SOME kind of healthy option. But, when hanging out with friends, I don't want to dictate that their menu revolves around me. When this came up recently, I ate more of the healthy options (i.e. salad), and looked for a smaller portion of the main course.

Challenge 2: Healthy Eating Options
I am feeling a bit limited with my food choices. I have been keeping a food journal, and a majority of my entries are salads, turkey sandwiches, or soup. I'm getting a little bored, and am afraid my boredom will cause me to slip. I really need to spend more time in my kitchen so that I can create delicious, healthy meals with more variety.

I went to a meeting and they had a giant plate of a million of my FAVORITE cookies. They come from Columbia Deli and they are chocolate chip cookies with a fudge center. I would maybe injure someone to get one. At this meeting, the hosts passed the gargantuan plate piled high with fatty goodness around the table THREE times. Each time I had to pass it on, the wonderfully scrumptious aroma filtered into my brain and turned me into a raving lunatic who wanted to eat the entire pile of cookies and steal the other ones that had all ready been taken. Somehow, I found the willingness to pass up the cookies and did not even savor a single bite. (Typing about those cookies has rekindled my cookie psychosis...)

Anyway, so far the Healthy Eating Challenge has been successful. And I have all ready seen the positive outcomes. For the past few days, I haven't been waking up feeling like I swallowed a bon fire, and I can actually eat without feeling nauseous or embarrassingly curling up into a ball due to pain. So, we'll keep going...

Sunday, April 18, 2010

My 30 Days of Healthy Eating

After 10 years of stomach issues, 6 doctors, 4 medications, 1 surgery, and several diagnoses, I finally heard something that sounds a little bit more solid, but the solution isn't any different...

My latest doctor noticed my unusually low cholesterol about a year ago, and when she retested it this year and it was even lower, she thought I should probably see someone about it. The gastroenterologist prescribed medication, but was just as puzzled about the cholesterol, so he referred me to an endocrinologist.

After 2 hours of relating family history, testing, and blood work, he has come to the conclusion that I have hypobetalipoproteinemia. Yeah, that's a mouthful! When I asked him to repeat it, he said "Just know you have a lipid disorder." But you know me, I had to find the real word - it's fun to say.

My cholesterol numbers:
Total = 97
HDL = 81
LDL = 13
Tri = 17

Anyway, it's some kind of rare genetic disorder, but I don't really fit all of the criteria. Bottom line, this lipid disorder can cause a lot of stomach issues. So for now, I guess this will work.


Despite having a more clear-cut diagnosis, the treatment is no different than what I've been hearing for the past 10 years. I have to change my diet. Basically, I really shouldn't be eating fatty, greasy foods. I go up and down with my success with this, but I have no concept of moderation and I always end up feeling really sick.

SO, since I don't feel like the medication is working, but I really haven't followed the diet, I am challenging myself to follow the medically-relevant diet for the next 30 days, and consistently take the medication, and then see how I feel. I'm posting it in a blog so that it's public and I'm more likely to follow it then because I'll have support and reminders. (And thanks to Casey for encouraging me and to Ayla for helping me by making a low-fat dinner and dessert the other night!!) I'll post updates...

Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Shadow Chaser

The Lunch Police struck again...

He came into school the other day, and greeted me with:

“Did you know shadows are very curious? Some shadows look scary. I was sent here to find the shadows. I haven’t found any yet, but I will keep looking. Don’t worry!”

Before I could ask who sent him (another child? the government? aliens?), his dad called for him and he ran away. Now I'll never know...

This same child couldn't remember my name and was talking to another director about me the other day. When she said, "Do you mean Ms. Jessica?" He replied, "Yeah, Ms. Jessica! She's my girl... my favorite office girl!"

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Woes of a Starbucks Girl

This afternoon, I got to Westminster 45 minutes before my class was due to start, so I decided to treat myself to a Starbucks beverage. There was a VERY long line (okay, 6 people ahead of me, but it felt like it deserved a VERY!) The woman who took my order and my money was super cheerful. As I moved down to the other end of the counter, I overhead the following...

The barista was busy multi-tasking: making several drinks, as well as talking to her friend (a non-Starbucks employee) who was all but laying on the counter.

"I really hate my job," she says with a groan, at an almost deafening volume, in case the people at PetSmart next door weren't clear on her affinity to her employment.

"How come?" says her friend languidly.

"There are just too many reasons to list. I would never get to leave if I started. Tall white mocha extra whip!" She slams someone's drink down on the counter, spilling some out of the little sippy hole.

"Well, what's the top reason you hate it?" inquires the friend.

"Grande non-fat iced chai!" (That's me.) I walk up to the counter as she shoves my drink to me, turns to her friend, and says, "I REALLY hate the summer. These people order the same drinks, and I make the same thing again and again, and it's SO boring." The barista pointedly glares at my unoriginal beverage to make her thoughts exceptionally clear.

Apparently, I am one of these people.