Sunday, January 24, 2010

Hibernation in Howard County

Why can't people be like bears and other smart animals? Why can't we hibernate in winter?

Maybe, being an intelligent (okay, most of the time!) mammal, I could just move to a warmer climate, where I wouldn't shiver all day long when the temperatures don't climb above freezing. Despite the fact that I become a tiny little furnace while I am sleeping, I am a rather cold person while I'm awake. Just another reason why a long winter slumber would be beneficial!

However, I am rather attached to Howard County and the surrounding areas. I grew up here, the large majority of my family and friends are here, and the diversity and mostly liberal nature is comforting. (In other words, for that last part, Casey and I don't get nearly as many strange looks when we're holding hands in Target than if we were in a more southern state!)

So, for my love of Howard County (and Casey's ability to get government contractor jobs), we'll remain in a region where we suffer through a few months of cold weather. I'll continue to shiver (and probably complain about it), and go to bed very early every night. And, once in awhile, I'll rejoice in the beauty of snow, and perhaps a Snow Day off work!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jess, it's cool you've joined the blogging world. I, too, hate the cold of winter, and the grey of January too. The worst thing about Utah--no snow days. Seriously, it can snow 1-2 feet and school is still on!
